Our Story

Step into The Degree Coffee Story and journey back to the nostalgic days of 80's India. Our mornings were filled with the comforting aroma of freshly roasted Kumbakonam degree kaapi, setting the perfect start to each day. Now, as proud immigrants in the US, we've dedicated over 5 years of passion and expertise to recreate that authentic and traditional style of Kumbakonam coffee blend. With our carefully crafted decoction, we bring you the essence of those cherished memories - a time when Grandpa (Tatha) would immerse themselves in the crisp newspaper on the verandah, while Grandma (Paati) lovingly prepared and served piping hot filter Kaapi in classic steel debara tumblers.

At The Degree Coffee Story, our journey is not just about coffee; it's an emotion, a connection to our roots, and a celebration of our heritage. We take immense pride in our specialty Indian coffee, meticulously prepared to bring you the genuine taste of South India's coffee culture. As you take that first sip, let our coffee transport you back to simpler times, where the art of brewing coffee was an integral part of our daily rituals and a symbol of togetherness.

Experience more than just a name; The Degree filter kaapi is an embodiment of the love and memories that bind us to our past. We invite you to join us in this beautiful coffee journey, where tradition meets authenticity, and every cup is a heartfelt connection to the soul of India.

Degree: Elevating Your Coffee Experience, One Cup at a Time - Proudly handcrafted in Camas, WA, our small-batch approach guarantees unparalleled flavor in every sip. Indulge in the authentic taste of perfection, as each order is meticulously prepared to bring you the ultimate coffee experience with Degree.


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